Sandi Ljubic

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Rijeka

Vukovarska 58, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
sandi.ljubic at riteh dot uniri dot hr

UNIRI portfolio | CROSBI | Linkedin | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | ORCiD | WoS | Scopus


conferences: helmeto 2023, hcii 2023, iceccme 2023, iwann 2023, icmece 2022, icr 2022, hcii 2014, hcii 2013, hcii 2011, hcii 2009, ubicomm 2008, imcl 2008
events: cerc 2019, cerc 2016, cerc 2023
other: sustrainable 2023, uniri dies academicus 2022, ssip 2021, hackaton 2018

CERC 2023

Central Europe Regional Contest 2023
(the first tier of ICPC - International Collegiate Programming Contest)

Nikolina Rodin (student, CERC'23 contestant @ ALGORITEH team), Jakov Tomasic (student, CERC'23 contestant @ ALGORITEH team), Luka Ivanic (student, CERC'23 contestant @ ALGORITEH team)

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science
Ljubljana, Slovenia
December 8-10, 2023.

HELMeTO 2023: 5th Int'l Conf. Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online

Arian Skoki (colleague, coauthor)

Paper presentation:
Empowering Computer Engineering Education: Leveraging Cloud-Based Programming Platforms and Online Assessment Tools

University of Foggia
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione

Foggia, Italy
September 15, 2023.
With BLISS-project partners:
Antonio Maffei (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Amberlynn Bonello (University of Malta, Malta), Primož Podržaj (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), Arian Skoki (University of Rijeka, Croatia)

University of Foggia
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione

Keynote speech by Antonio Maffei
Foggia, Italy
September 15, 2023.

HCI International 2023

HCII 2023 venue

AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center
Copenhagen, Denmark
July 28, 2023.
Thematic area: HCI
Session: Interaction and selection techniques (S322) (session chair)

Paper presentation:
A Comparison of Finger, Stylus and Mouse in Trajectory Tracing Task Execution on Touchscreen Mobile Devices

AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center
Room: B3 M2
Copenhagen, Denmark
July 28, 2023.
Session participants / speakers

Session: Interaction and selection techniques (S322)

AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center
Copenhagen, Denmark
July 28, 2023.
Constantine Stephanidis

HCII General Chair
University of Crete and FORTH-ICS

AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center
Coffee break
Copenhagen, Denmark
July 28, 2023.

ICECCME 2023: 3rd Int'l Conf. Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering

Igor Wolf, Darko Palaic, Iva Matetic, and Ivan Štajduhar (coauthors)

Paper presentation:
Data-Driven Model for Indoor Temperature Prediction in HVAC-Supported Buildings

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
July 19, 2023.
Igor Wolf, Darko Palaic, Iva Matetic, and Ivan Štajduhar

Hotel Escuela Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
July 19, 2023.

SUStrainable Summer School 2023

Marko Njirjak, Erik Otovic, Mateja Napravnik, Franko Hržic, Arian Skoki,
Diego Sušanj, Kristijan Lenac, Daniela Kalafatovic, Goran Mauša, Marina Banov, and Raul Antonio Šanko
(colleagues, Summer School participants)

Universidade de Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal
July 12, 2023.

IWANN 2023: 17th Int'l Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

Ivan Štajduhar, Darko Palaic, Igor Wolf, and Iva Matetic (coauthors)

Paper presentation:
Random Forests Model for HVAC System Fault Detection in Hotel Buildings

Grand Hotel Açores Atlântico

Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores (Portugal)
June 20, 2023.

ICMECE 2022: II. Int'l Conf. Mechanics, Computers and Electrics

Igor Wolf, Ivan Štajduhar, Darko Palaic and Iva Matetic (coauthors)

Paper presentation:
Development of a physical building model for indoor temperature prediction and HVAC system anomaly detection

Barcelona East School of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Barcelona, Spain
October 6, 2022.
Ivan Štajduhar, Igor Wolf, Iva Matetic and Darko Palaic (coauthors)

Barcelona East School of Eng., Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Barcelona, Spain
October 6, 2022.
Conference participants

Barcelona East School of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Barcelona, Spain
October 6, 2022.

ICR 2022: Int'l Conf. Innovations in Computing Research

Ivan Štajduhar and Iva Matetic (coauthors)

Session: Internet of Things and Smart Energy

Paper presentation: Data Visualization Tool for Smart Buildings HVAC Systems

Novotel Hotel
Athens, Greece
August 30, 2022.
Ivan Štajduhar (coauthor),
Kevin Daimi (Program Chair; University of Detroit Mercy, USA),
Iva Matetic (coauthor)

Coffee break
Athens, Greece
August 30, 2022.
Kevin Daimi (Program Chair; University of Detroit Mercy, USA)

Panel talk: Computer Science and Computer Engineering Education – Where are we heading?

Athens, Greece
August 30, 2022.
Conference participants

Concluding remarks session

Novotel Hotel
Athens, Greece
August 31, 2022.

UNIRI Dies Academicus 2022

Snježana Prijic-Samaržija

Madam Rector of the University of Rijeka, Full Professor, Ph.D.

49th Dies Academicus – Day of the University of Rijeka
Award for teaching excellence

UNIRI Rectorate
Aula Magna
Rijeka, Croatia
May 18, 2022.

SSIP 2021: Summer School on Image Processing

Summer School participants

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering
Rijeka, Croatia
July 13, 2021.
Summer School Organizing committee

Gala dinner
Pivnica Cont
Rijeka, Croatia
July 16, 2021.

CERC 2019

Central Europe Regional Contest 2019
(the first tier of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest)

Matija Dizdar (student, CERC'19 contestant @ ALGORITEH team), Erik Otovic (student, CERC'19 contestant @ ALGORITEH team), Damir Arbula (colleague, friend, CERC'19 co-coach @ ALGORITEH team), Ivana Zuzic (student, CERC'16 contestant @ ALGORITEH team)

Czech Technical University
Prague, Czech Republic
November 29 - December 2, 2019.

try{code}catch hackathon 2018

try{code}catch hackathon 2018
@ Combis Conference

With (from left to right):
Ivan Celic (student, Riteh Web Team member), Arian Skoki (student, Riteh Web Team member), Simone Herak (student, Riteh Web Team member), Dino Ilic (student, Riteh Web Team member)

Hotel Valamar Diamant
Porec, Croatia
May 24, 2018.

(ACM) CERC 2016

Central Europe Regional Contest 2016
(the first tier of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest)

With (from left to right):
Dino Ilic (student, CERC'16 contestant @ ALGORITEH team), Damir Arbula (colleague, friend, CERC'16 coach @ ALGORITEH team), Ivana Zuzic (student, CERC'16 contestant @ ALGORITEH team), Matija Dizdar (student, CERC'16 contestant @ ALGORITEH team)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Zagreb, Croatia
November 20, 2016.

HCI International 2014

Thematic area: Universal Access in HCI
Creta Maris Beach Resort - Convention Center, Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece

June 27, 2014.

Thematic area: UAHCI
Session: The Forum of research disciplines, sciences, engineering, applications and user perspectives (S211) (session chair)

Paper presentation: Effects of Interaction Style and Screen Size on Touchscreen Text Entry Performance: An Empirical Research

Creta Maris Beach Resort
Room: 9 (Terra Building)
Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
June 27, 2014.
James R. (Jim) Lewis (keynote)

Usability practitioner / Master Inventor at IBM
Quantifying the User Experience (2012): coauthor (with Jeff Sauro)

and: Mihael Kukec (colleague, and friend)

Creta Maris Beach Resort
Gala dinner
Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
June 24, 2014.
Constantine Stephanidis

HCII General Chair
University of Crete and FORTH-ICS
International Journal - Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS): Editor in Chief
The Universal Access Handbook: Editor

Creta Maris Beach Resort
Gala dinner
Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
June 24, 2014.
With (from left to right):
Mihael Kukec (Medimurje University of Applied Sciences in Cakovec, Croatia)
Gavriel Salvendy (HCII Conference Series Founder & General Chair Emeritus and Scientific Advisor; Purdue University, USA; Tsinghua University, P.R. China; Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Editor)
Constantine Stephanidis (HCII General Chair; University of Crete and FORTH-ICS; International Journal UAIS: Editor in Chief)
Beverley Ford (Editorial Director, Springer)

Creta Maris Beach Resort
Gala dinner
Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
June 24, 2014.
Journal of Interaction Science 2nd Board Meeting (JoIS luncheon at the HCII2014); sponsored by Springer

With (from left to right):
Pier Luigi Emiliani (Italian National Research Council, Italy), Andrina Granic (Faculty of Science, University of Split, Croatia), Panayiotis Zaphiris (Cyprus University of Technology & Cyprus Interaction Lab, Cyprus), Simone D.J. Barbosa (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Rachel Roberts (Editor at Springer Science+Business Media), Christian Stary (Kepler University of Linz, Austria), Simeon Keates (University of Greenwich, UK)

Creta Maris Beach Resort
Room: Antigoni Hall
Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
June 26, 2014.
With (from left to right):
Mihael Kukec (Medimurje University of Applied Sciences in Cakovec, Croatia), Antonija Mitrovic (University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand), Andrina Granic (Faculty of Science, University of Split, Croatia), Vlado Glavinic (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia)

Creta Maris Beach Resort
Room: Zeus Hall (coffee break)
Heraklion / Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
June 25, 2014.

HCI International 2013

Thematic area: Universal Access in HCI
Session: Interaction Science (S123)

Paper presentation: Tilt-Based Support for Multimodal Text Entry on Touchscreen Smartphones: Using Pitch and Roll

Hotel Mirage
Room: Andros B
Las Vegas, NV, USA
July 25, 2013.
Gavriel Salvendy

HCII Conference Series Founder, General Chair Emeritus and Scientific Advisor
Purdue University, USA; Tsinghua University, P.R. China
Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Editor

Casino Mirage
Las Vegas, NV, USA
July 27, 2013.
Journal of Interaction Science 1st Board Meeting (JoIS luncheon at the HCII2013); sponsored by Springer

With (from left to right):
Simeon Keates (University of Abertay, UK), Sandra Marshall (San Diego University, and Eyetracking Inc., USA), Beverley Ford (Editorial Director, Springer), Rachel Roberts (Editor, Springer), Simone D.J. Barbosa (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Gisela Susanne Bahr (JoIS Editor in Chief, Florida Tech, USA), Taro Kanno (University of Tokyo, Japan), Pier Luigi Emiliani (Italian National Research Council, Italy)

Hotel Mirage
Room: Key Largo
Las Vegas, NV, USA
July 26, 2013.

HCI International 2011

Thematic area: Universal Access in HCI
Session: The Future of Universal Access (S171)

Paper presentation: Supporting Universal Usability of Mobile Software: Touchscreen Usability Meta-Test

Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
Room: Jade
Orlando, FL, USA
July 14, 2011.
Gisela Susanne Bahr

Florida Institute of Technology
Journal of Interaction Science: Editor in Chief
Cognition Applied Research Laboratory (CARL): Director
Collaborative International Research Centre for Universal Access (CIRCUA): Executive CTR Head

Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek
Orlando, FL, USA
July 14, 2011.

HCI International 2009

Thematic area: Universal Access in HCI
Session: Intelligent Interaction for Pervasive Learning

Paper presentation: On Efficiency of Adaptation Algorithms for Mobile Interfaces Navigation

Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
Room: Pacific Salon One
San Diego, CA, USA
July 22, 2009.
Constantine Stephanidis

HCII General Chair
University of Crete and FORTH-ICS
International Journal - Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS): Editor in Chief
The Universal Access Handbook: Editor

Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
Gala dinner
San Diego, CA, USA
July 21, 2009.
Thematic area: Universal Access in HCI
Session: Future Interfaces in Technology Enhanced Learning and Training

Paper presentation: Digital Design Mobile Virtual Laboratory Implementation: A Pragmatic Approach

Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
Room: Pacific Salon One
San Diego, CA, USA
July 24, 2009.
Harold Thimbleby

Swansea University, UK
Middlesex University, UK
UCL Interaction Centre
Press On — Principles of Interaction programming: Author

Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
San Diego, CA, USA
July 24, 2009.


International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
Session: User and Applications

Paper presentation: A Holistic Approach to Enhance Universal Usability in m-Learning

Polytechnic University of Valencia
Building: 8G
Valencia, Spain
October 3, 2008.

IMCL 2008

International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learning

Paper presentation: Transformable Menu Component for Mobile Device Applications: Working with both Adaptive and Adaptable User Interfaces

Princess Sumaya University for Technology
Amman, Jordan
April 17, 2008.

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