Sandi Ljubic

Department of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Rijeka

Vukovarska 58, HR-51000 Rijeka, Croatia
sandi.ljubic at riteh dot uniri dot hr

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currently, previously


93224: Human-Computer Interaction
Graduate University Study Programme Of Computing
since 2021

  • Fundamentals and basic principles of Human-Computer Interaction. Understanding users and user tasks. Interaction predictive modeling and evaluation. User interface evaluation methods and usability engineering. The concept of universal usability; multimodal and adaptable user interfaces. User interfaces and interaction styles for mobile devices. Design and execution of the HCI experiment.

88168: Mobile Applications Development
Graduate University Study Programme Of Computing
since 2011

  • Characteristics and features of the present-day mobile devices, and challenges of developing mobile device applications. Mobile services. Platforms and APIs for mobile application development. Integrated development environments and corresponding emulator platforms. Specific aspects of mobile applications development: graphics and interfaces, data entry, data persistence, networking, multimedia, sensor usage, optional programming interfaces.

88157: Object Oriented Programming
Graduate University Study Programme Of Computing
since 2019

  • Introduction to objects. Everything is an object. Managing program execution. Initialization and memory cleaning. Implementation hiding. Reusing of classes. Polymorphism. Interfaces and inner classes. Fault management and exceptions. Type identification during program execution. Threading. Distributed computing.

61655: Database Systems
Undergraduate University Study Programme Of Computing
since 2019

  • Basic database concepts. Data and information. Database management systems. Relational, network and hierarchical data model. Logical design of databases. Functional dependencies and normalization. Relational algebra. Structured query language (SQL). Transactions. Data integrity and security. Modelling and data models. Conceptual design and functional analysis. Entity-relationship model. Transforming entity-relationship models into relational models.


7705-93224: Advanced User Interfaces
Graduate University Study Programme Of Computing

  • Fundamentals and basic principles of human-computer interaction. Understanding users and user tasks. User oriented interface design. User interface evaluation methods and the usability engineering. Designing and executing HCI experiments. Multimodal user interfaces based on the universal access concept. Mobile devices' specific user interfaces and interaction models.

72680: Web Applications Development
Undergraduate University Study Programme Of Computing

  • The basic principles for building distributed, dynamic, and interactive information services for content management. Main concepts of the web programming. Design and implementation of web application frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and backend. Practical examples of dynamic web application development with the use of contemporary technologies. Web services (REST).

61654/51965: Computer Networks
Undergraduate University Study Programme Of Computing (previously)
Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Of Electrical Engineering (currently)

  • Computer networks organization. The OSI reference model. The physical layer for data communication: theoretical basics, transmission media. Building physical layer, cabling. The data link layer. Error detection and correction, example protocols. HDLC, Internet data link layer. The Medium Access Control sublayer (MAC), channel allocation. IEEE standard 802 for LAN. The network layer. Routing and congestion control algorithms. Internetworking. The network layer in the Internet. The transport services and elements of transport protocols. Internet transport layer. The application layer. Internet applications and protocols: DNS, electronic mail, World Wide Web. Data compression. Uses of computer networks. Network security.

46770/51664/43938: Digital Logic / Digital Electronics
Undergraduate University Study Programme Of Computing
Undergraduate University Study Programme Of Electrical Engineering
Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Of Electrical Engineering

  • Basic digital concepts; digital and analog quantities, logic levels, digital signals, digital systems. Number systems and operations; decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal system, complements. Error detection and correction codes; weighted and non-weighted codes, Hamming code. Boolean algebra; axioms and theorems, Boolean functions, functions canonical forms, logic gates. Functions simplification; Karnaugh maps, Quine-McCluskey method. Combinational logic analysis; AND-OR, AND-OR-complement, exclusive OR, and exclusive NOR logic. Functions of combinational logic; adders, comparators, coders, decoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers. Flip-flops; S-R, D, J-K, and edge triggered flip-flops, applications. Counters; asynchronous, synchronous, up/down counters, synchronous counters design, applications. Shift registers; basic and bidirectional registers, applications.

61622: Electronic Components and Basic Electronic Circuits
Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Of Electrical Engineering

  • Semiconductors: P-type; N-type; Drift and diffusion. Semiconductor devices: diodes – polarization, types and applications; bipolar junction and field effect transistors - modes of operation, parameters, characteristics and models. Bipolar junction transistor and field effect transistor amplifiers: DC and AC signal analysis. Differential amplifier. Operational amplifier. Operational amplifier circuits. Signal waveforms in RC and CR circuits.

N/A: Impulsive and Digital Circuits
Undergraduate Professional Study Programme Of Electrical Engineering

  • Classification of wave forms in impulse and digital structures. Linear forming of wave forms. Nonlinear forming of wave forms. Transistor as the switch. Bipolar and unipolar switches (MOS, CMOS). Flip-flop multivibrator. Monostabile multivibrator. Astabile multivibrator. Other impulse structures. Waveform generators. Number systems. Coding. Boolean algebra. Basic logic structures. Combinational logic structures. Minimization of logic functions. Sequential structures. Flip-flops. Registers. Counters. Digital arithmetics. Aritmetic structures. Memory effects and structures. A/D and D/A conversion. Other digital structures. Integration of digital structures and systems on chip. Microelectronic structures, qualities of performance, and throw of digital structures.

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